Sunday 27 March 2011

Metabolism, Sounding Cool and More from our Chinese correspondants

I've been in bed most of the day, apart from the 5 minutes my housemate said it was sunny outside which turned out to be a complete lie. This isn't meant to take any credit away from Cardiff in the last week though, incredible sunshine a few days and that's a complete miracle for Wales believe me. Now to the subject. I've decided that over Easter I'm going to get my body back to it's former glory... It's been fairly neglected over the last 3 years with university lifestyle taking priority, despite the occasional hockey I do think it's my unpredictable metabolism keeping me out of the obese population. So I'm going to get massive, surprisingly I've got quite a good will power and I'll more than likely stick to doing some sort of exercise every morning considering I've got pretty much nothing else to do with my days for 5 weeks. I make jokes about being huge already, and I know I'm not actually big, but I've managed to get caught between a decent physique and skinny, not either one of them. However everyone wants to have a good body, no matter what they say.... the only people who say they don't care about their bodies are either too embarrassed to admit they're not how they'd like to be, or are too lazy to do anything about it. So I'll see how things go and will probably be modelling soon... (another way I could get famous... *may require plastic surgery*). Now the second thing is my current music situation, It's a nice sunny day so the window is open and the blinds are up, I'd sit in the garden but it's not actually that warm and I can't see my laptop to pretend to do work. I've got some nice speakers playing some incredible music, but every now and then a song comes on that really makes me panic and wonder what the neighbours will think if they hear it. Something like Daniel Beddingfield or old school Lemar (both make regular appearances). I got so paranoid last year that I actually made a playlist called "The neighbours are out and I'm trying to sound cool".

I saw the chinese folk again this morning in a similar situation as I've described before. I brushed my teeth and undressed coming out of the bathroom in my boxers ready to shower, but was faced with the dilemma of whether I'd already showered this morning.... Instead of moving to cover (from the gunfire and grenades), I decided to stand there and ponder for about 3 minutes.... After much deliberation I realised I had actually showered already and was going slightly mad, however not as mad as I was portraying to the Chinese neighbours who were standing in their garden doing something with plants, gazing confused in through the window at my half naked body for a few minutes in which time I stood there staring at a closed shower cubicle cupboard door, until putting my clothes back on and heating up last nights pizza. I'm going to miss the Chinese neighbours...

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