I was fast asleep last night when my sister sent me a text complaining about why I hadn't mentioned her good looks and how cool she is in my family post... So there I said it. I've not always had this sort of relationship with my brother and sister, it was more of them and me for a while. Not in a horrible way, but they always managed to take advantage of my naivety. For example one of our little family jokes is the stuff they used to be able to make me believe. I genuinely thought my real name was Henrietta Lewis, this was discovered by a conversation I had with a friend of mine which went something like; Me: "Helen, what's your real name?" Helen: "Helen Elizabeth Nightingale" Me: "No I mean what's your Real name, like mine is Henrietta".... So that was the first one they pulled on me. Another is to do with our old family car, we had a Renault Espace, and it's a car that has those folding tables on the back of the front seats, which is just about a big enough space to hold 4 mini cheddars and a miniature spirit bottle doesn't quite fit in the drinks holder. But because the only real other vehicle that has these types of tables is a plane... I was honestly convinced for probably more than a year that our car could fly. The final trick they used to play (that I can remember, I'll be reminded of more when my sister reads this), is to do with my constant need to impress people. I've always been quite quick, as long as I can remember, and I'd even do a few laps around the garden to show just how fast I was when new people came to the house (like a dog might). However my brother and sister loved to take advantage of this, I remember quite vividly sitting out in the garden with them sunbathing... they would be, obviously I'd be doing laps just incase the postman came. They'd call me over and my sister would say something along the lines of "Henry, I bet you can't run to the kitchen, make me a glass of Orange squash, and get back here with it in 20 seconds". I'd squeel with excitement, assume a full on sprinters starting position. 3,2,1 GO! Off I ran, made the drink, came back (definitely under 20 seconds), and now when I think about it, they'd always somehow forget to time, their watch would break, or just assume it was over the time specified and tell me to do it again.. this time for my brother... or they'd want a sandwich instead. So, on the verge of bullying, but I forgive them considering I'm the most intelligent and best looking sibling now, the last laugh.. I think so!
Sitting in a reclining chair watching Teen Cribs on MTV... Sweeeet
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