So... What can I say.. It's been an unbelievable last few months. Dissertation was capped at 40% and still managed to come away with a 2:2 (Lucky Duck). I've been looking at jobs abroad, America in particular, which is a tricky business but if I can get away with it there are much worse places to live. I've been generally 'hanging around' in Cornwall for a while now, going out and living a fairly chilled lifestyle. It'll need to end sometime soon when I actually get a job, but for now it seems to be working out just wonderfully. On one of the aforementioned nights out, I was lucky enough to meet a friend's girlfriend (who with some dance persuasion was an absolute legend), drank the night away with some Great champagne (no matter what she says), and doing some fairly horrendous dancing.. which at the time seemed like something more than worthy of Strictly (or any other soul-destroying dance competition ruining television). Anyway.. this friend has invited me, and I've graciously accepted to join 23 others on Necker Island in August on a 10 day holiday. Necker Island described as "the most beautiful place in the world" (Note how I didn't reference that quote... Yeah, I'm a Badass now I've finished university). I do other crazy things now, I actually drank out of the apple juice carton earlier, so people know not to mess with me. I am infact weeing a little bit with excitement at the thought of this holiday. If my luck carries on like this Richard Branson will no doubt give me a career in music, or writing... or just some sort of career just to keep my parents happy. Anyway I'm being summoned to build a wall in my garden? As you do.
Sitting on the floor of my lounge using an ethernet cable because my parents are living too far in the past to discover wifi... I'm fairly sure they'll give me a world war ration pack to take to Necker